PROPSTER in the final of the DBT- Award

PROPSTER reaches for the DBT- Award
The event series Digital Business Trends (DBT) is jointly organised by APA-Austria Presse Agentur and Styria Digital One (SD One) and is supported by partners (companies, organisations and media) who want to help shape the digital change. Within the scope of a total of ten events per year the digital community meets for exchanging opinions and networking in real life and talks about brand developments, technologies and innovations.
We also submitted with PROPSTER and were finally invited to the final on 17.10. Five finalists in each of the award categories “Revolution” and “Evolution” presented their concept in 3 minutes in front of a jury of 8 members, consisting of Gerald Bossert-Stumvoll (APA-IT, Patrick Pirchegger (A1 Telekom Austria) Alexis Johann (FehrAdvice & Partners AG), Nicola Dietrich (styria digital one) , Michael Schuster (Speedinvest), Lena Doppel-Prix (, Robert Sablatnig (TU Vienna) and Michael Nentwich (Austrian Academy of Sciences). Our founder and CEO Milan Zahradnik talked about the current state of the construction industry and the digitalization of the industry through our platform PROPSTER and thus made an important contribution to the revolution. PROPSTER dignifiedly represented the entire Austrian Prop Tech scene at yesterday’s event. The digitalization is rightly on the advance, because digital business models promise new and above all recurring sources of income and promise low investment costs in physical equipment and material. The DBT- Award will be presented on 11 December. Already in November the top 3 finalists from the two categories will be announced. So it remains more than exciting, we will keep you up to date!