Immodienstag Follow Up Report
“Without networking it will not work in the future”. A sentence that came right at the beginning of the first lecture at the Immodienstag on 21.01.20 in the breathtaking k47. Last Tuesday, mainly builders, project developers and architects gathered to listen to 2 exciting lectures over the roofs of Vienna and then to network. After all, it was all about increasing sales through architecture in tourism. We as Proptech Start Up were also invited to attend this promising event.
Architecture not only changes the landscape, architecture itself is subject to constant change. In the world of the 21st century, architecture has become an essential parameter for the usability of a property. Good architecture tells stories, bad architecture tells nothing. As we certainly know from our childhood, it is stories that make our everyday life exciting and this can be broken down to architecture as well. The times when everything was built wider, higher and bigger for the fun society in the 70s and 80s are over. We have literally focused on the society of meaning again. If you consider that only 0.3% of Austrian hostels are architecturally well built, it was high time. However, this is not only about ecological or economic components, but also about the visual appearance of the property. Architecture creates turnover. However, this does not only work through outward appearances alone, but also through pedantic planning and well-designed buildings that also reflect the company. As Proptech Start Up, we know all too well how important good planning is in advance.
Ernst Gugler’s lecture was not only exciting but also extremely emotional. The Gugler printing company in Lower Austria is no ordinary printing company. In addition to outstanding products, those responsible have focused on sustainability and in 2011 they were the first printing company in the world to launch Cradle to Cradle certified print products. Mr. Gugler went a long way, very far, and built a bridge between architecture and climate change. Considering that we are extracting 35 billion euros in resources from the earth every year, he used his finger to press directly into the wound. We are building for eternity, but what use is this to us if one day there is nobody around to witness and admire this. A sustainable building method concerns us all and should be the desired goal.
So it was more than just an instructive evening in this legendary glass rectangle in the city of Vienna. Immodienstag always manages to score points with exciting topics. Thereby 2 perspectives were offered for this very complex topic. An extremely refreshing evening that ended with a quote from Winston Churchill: “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.