From Winner to Jury Member | Trend@Venture 2019

Once again this year, 7 finalists selected from almost 100 start-ups will compete at the Trend@Venture Gala and pitch what they can for the title of “Best new start-up in Austria”.
Remember the year 2018. Along with 7 other finalists, our founder & CEO Milan Zahradnik appeared before the jury and got going. He came, he saw, he won and after that a lot changed for PROPSTER. It was a boost, as one could only wish for. The media echo was enormous and the resulting new contacts lifted us into dimensions that we could hardly imagine at that time. Almost a year has now passed since our brilliant victory and PROPSTER has now founded another branch office in Munich and, more recently, in Berlin. Feelers have been put out towards Slovenia, Sweden and the UK and are signalling only good things. So next Thursday on 28.11 the time has come again and the gala is looking for the superstar among the 7 finalists. Unlike last year, we are not among the finalists. We already had our 15 minutes of glory, now we change the roles. Our founder & CEO Milan will be a member of the Reverse Pitch Jury this time. The finalists that would be there: Idwell, Ondewo, Jaasper, Fincredible, EET, Rewellio and Swarm Analytics will make a colorful potpourri. From real estate management to traffic optimization, there’s a lot to be had. So you can look forward to an exciting evening and interesting pitches. We proudly pass on the season and are very happy to be part of Trend@Venture again this year. You just have to look at life from several angles, as in our case. Let the games begin and may the best one win!
Here is the winning moment from last year: