Defect management at PROPSTER
PROPSTER gets a new feature! In order to be able to handle the handover of the apartment and the associated defect management even more effectively, PROPSTER is now supported by the defect management.
In order to meet our goal of covering the entire communication chain between property developers and apartment buyers, we have taken the next logical step. In addition to the individualisation process, the organisation of the warranty for the purchase of an apartment will now also be covered by our defect management system.
The communication between apartment owner, property management and property developer can cost time and nerves in many cases. In order to ensure clear structures and a transparent approach right from the start, all communication is handled using our defect management tool. In addition to a role assignment, which allows you to specify exactly who is allowed to read what, certain steps are also automated. Above all, the responsible employee saves time and is assisted in organizing the process. The entire communication is centrally managed via our message box, as already tested in the individualization process, and thus guarantees an optimal overview at all times.
Defect management
The processing of defect notifications not only involves communication with the apartment owner, but usually passes through several departments. In addition to communication structures, our defect management system also integrates project management processes that can be adapted to your individual needs. Our system can automate certain workflows in project management, thus providing each user with an optimal overview of open tasks.
Available for all devices
Whether at the handover of the apartment, during the warranty period or during an inspection of the apartment, our defect management can be used. In order to be able to record defects digitally immediately, it is absolutely necessary that they can be fed into the system without any problems using both the smartphone and the tablet. Our defect management is available on all devices.
An optimal application is not only guaranteed by certain technical aspects which make it easier to record new defects. It should be fun to use the software and this is exactly what we focus on.
Documentation und Reports
This point is absolutely essential in order to be able to continuously optimize the processes in defect management. Due to the long warranty period, a uniform and complete documentation of all work processes is very important. In addition, one should know where defects occur most frequently in order to be able to take countermeasures in time or to make the necessary changes in the next project.
Due to the digitalization of the real estate industry, every company is facing important decisions right now.
To make sure that our defect management is just right for you, we are happy to provide you with a DEMO version for 14 days. Simply register HERE for our DEMO presentation and you will receive your personal access after a short introduction.